Server schema versions supported: Server capabilities for schema version Navita Origo Solutions +6221 2909 1898 Navita Witsml Server (NWS) Navita Witsml Server Navita Origo Solutions 3.0.0 5 30 30 30 true false gzip 3 capServer well wellbore trajectory log mudLog changeLog well wellbore trajectory log mudLog well wellbore trajectory log mudLog well wellbore trajectory log mudLog Results Summary --------------- Script:testsuite Script:test1a Pass Partial Pass: Selection by 'uid' succeeded Partial Pass: Selection by 'name' succeeded Partial Pass: Selection by 'dTimLastChange' succeeded Partial Pass: Newer well included in results of query by dTimLastChange Partial Pass: Older well not included in results of query by dTimLastChange Script:test1b Pass (Duration:1.87 sec) Partial Pass: Selection by 'numAPI' succeeded Script:test1c Pass (Duration:1.91 sec) Partial Pass: Selection by 'numGovt' succeeded Script:test2 Pass Partial Pass: '1.4.1.x' exists in the returned string Script:test3 Pass Partial Pass: correct apiVers returned Script:test4 Pass Partial Pass: correct version returned Script:test5 Pass Partial Pass: Server supports case-insensitive comparisons Script:test8 Pass Partial Pass: Server supports requesting data subset for a point index object Script:test9a Pass Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Partial Pass: Server returned a subset of log data rows as expected. Script:test9b Pass Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Partial Pass: Server returned a subset of log data rows as expected. Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Script:test10 Pass Partial Pass: Server returned the expected log Curve mnemonics. Script:test11 Pass Partial Pass: Server supports the item ObjectGrowing and returns only logs that are growing Script:test14 Pass Partial Pass: The dTimLastChange in the well object matches the dTimChange in the latest changeHistory of the changeLog. Script:test15 Pass Partial Pass: Single well was returned Partial Pass: uid returned Partial Pass: name returned Partial Pass: numGovt returned Partial Pass: numAPI returned Partial Pass: dTimLastChange returned Partial Pass: Minimum attributes and elements returned for requestObjectSelectionCapability met Script:test16 Pass Partial Pass: Received correct Schema Version Script:test17 Pass Partial Pass: Data schema versions are returned in order from oldest to newest. Script:test18 Pass Partial Pass: Server constrains GetFromStore requests according to maxReturnNodes Script:test20 Pass Partial Pass: Server did return a well with a newer dTimLastChange Partial Pass: Server did not return a well with a matching dTimLastChange Partial Pass: Server did not return a well with an older dTimLastChange Script:test21 Pass Partial Pass: Server preserves uid case for AddToStore Script:test22 Pass Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore with cascadedDelete succeeded. Partial Pass: Well has been cascadeDeleted Partial Pass: Wellbore has been cascadeDeleted Partial Pass: Log has been cascadeDeleted Script:test23 Pass Partial Pass: GetFromStore optionsIn id-only is supported for a Trajectory Script:test24a Pass Partial Pass: SQ-010 and SQ-015 indexes match Partial Pass: SQ-015 logData indexes are consistent with startIndex and endIndex Script:test24b Pass Partial Pass: minIndex and maxIndex match from both queries Partial Pass: SQ-015 logData indexes are consistent with SQ-010 minIndex and maxIndex Script:test25a Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endIndex in second query is smaller that endIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more points than maxDataPoints Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test25b Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endIndex in second query is smaller that endIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more nodes than maxDataNodes Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test25c Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startDateTimeIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endDateTimeIndex in second query is earlier than endDateIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more points than maxDataPoints Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test25d Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startDateTimeIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endDateTimeIndex in second query is earlier than endDateIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more nodes than maxDataNodes Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test26 Pass Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded well Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded Partial Pass: Object retrieved matches object loaded Script:test27 Pass Partial Pass: retrieved well name Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded wellbore Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded Partial Pass: Object retrieved matches object loaded Script:test30 Pass Partial Pass: retrieved well/wellbore name Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded log Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded log Partial Pass: Object retrieved matches object loaded Script:test32 Pass Partial Pass: retrieved well/wellbore name Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded trajectory Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded trajectory Partial Pass: Object retrieved matches object loaded Script:test34 Pass Partial Pass: retrieved well/wellbore name Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded mudLog Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded mudLog Partial Pass: Object retrieved matches object loaded Script:test56 Pass Partial Pass: AddToStore succeeded Partial Pass: Server generate uid for new well Partial Pass: One well returned and uid is ok Script:test57 Pass Partial Pass: Have more than 1 wellbore under desired well Partial Pass: All mandatory properties exist in all wellbores Partial Pass: All wellbores have the correct uidWell Script:test59 Pass Partial Pass: Received change history entry for well Partial Pass: Received change history entry for wellbore Partial Pass: Server supports SQ-017 What has been added to the server since a specified time Script:test60 Pass Partial Pass: Received change history entry for well Script:test61 Pass Partial Pass: The correct changeLog object received Partial Pass: Two 'update' changeHistory entries received Partial Pass: dTimChange of first changeHistory entry is correct Partial Pass: dTimChange of second changeHistory entry is correct Script:test62 Pass Partial Pass: growingTimeoutPeriod is defined in the GetCap response for log Script:test63 Pass Partial Pass: growingTimeoutPeriod is defined in the GetCap response for mudLog Script:test64 Pass Partial Pass: growingTimeoutPeriod is defined in the GetCap response for trajectory Script:test65a Pass Partial Pass: Server ignored attempt to change dTimCreation. Script:test65b Pass Partial Pass: Server did not modify dTimCreation upon updates to a well object. Script:test66 Pass Partial Pass: The server ignores attempts to change objectGrowing. Script:test67 Pass Partial Pass: dTimCreation set within the last 10 minutes Script:test68 Pass Partial Pass: Server returned growing trajectory Partial Pass: Server did not return non-growing trajectory Script:test69 Pass Partial Pass: Server does register support for ChangeLog object Script:test70 Pass Partial Pass: nameWell in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: nameWellbore in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: nameObject in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: uidWell in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: uidWellbore in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: uidObject in changeLog is correct Script:test71 Pass Partial Pass: Latest changeType matches latest entry in changeHistory Partial Pass: Latest changeInfo matches latest entry in changeHistory Partial Pass: LastChangeType and lastChangeInfo match latest changeType and changeInfo in changeHistory Script:test72 Pass Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded Partial Pass: Clearing range for curve is based on curve data received in update Script:test73 Pass Partial Pass: trajectory objects received Partial Pass: All required elements are included Partial Pass: trajectoryStation is not included Script:test76a Pass Partial Pass: GetFromStore (requestLatestValues = 1) returned successfully. Partial Pass: log_verify_check_requestLatestValue_header_and_data returned successfully. Partial Pass: GetFromStore header-only returned successfully. Partial Pass: log_verify_check_log_header_only returned successfully. Partial Pass: Server returned the correct maxDateTimeIndex for each curve between queries Script:test76b Pass Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded Partial Pass: Server returned the latest values for each curve Partial Pass: Server returned one value for each curve Script:test77 Pass Partial Pass: maxRequestLatestValues is included in response. Partial Pass: maxRequestLatestValues is greater or equal to 1 Script:test78 Pass Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when a new log is added Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing is set to true when new row is added to a curve with index value greater than original Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing returns to false after growingTimeoutPeriod has elapsed. Partial Pass: The server supports growingTimeoutPeriod for Logs. Script:test79a Pass Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when adding a new log Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when adding a new curve to an existing log Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when the interior portion of the log is updated Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when updating the logCurveInfo for one of the curves. Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing is set to true when adding a new row to a curve with index value less than the minimum index for the log curve. Partial Pass: Append behavior for ObjectGrowing functionality for logs has been verified Script:test79b Pass Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when adding a new log Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when deleting a curve of an existing log Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when deleting a row from a log Partial Pass: Delete behavior for ObjectGrowing functionality for logs has been verified Script:test80 Pass Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when adding a new trajectory with a trajectoryStation Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing stays false when updating a trajectory station Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing turns true when adding a new trajectory station Partial Pass: ObjectGrowing functionality for append behaviour of trajectories has been verified. Script:test81 Pass Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded for well with maximum size uid Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded for wellbore with maximum size uid Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded for log with maximum size uid Partial Pass: Maximum uid length supported for well Partial Pass: Maximum uid length supported for wellbore Partial Pass: Maximum uid length supported for log Script:test81b Pass Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded for well with minimum size uid Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded for wellbore with minimum size uid Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded for log with minimum size uid Partial Pass: Minimum uid length supported for well Partial Pass: Minimum uid length supported for wellbore Partial Pass: Minimum uid length supported for log Script:test85 Pass Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded Partial Pass: Data received after the update is correct Script:test86 Pass Partial Pass: AddToStore succeeds and a uid is returned in SuppMsgOut Partial Pass: The first GetFromStore returns success and returns the expected well. Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore was successful. Partial Pass: The second GetFromStore request returns success and returns no wells. Partial Pass: Server properly deletes an object Script:test87 Pass Partial Pass: Add to store succeeded Partial Pass: One well returned and wells/well/wellDatum/datumName[@code] is ok Partial Pass: wells/well/wellDatum/datumName[@code] is deleted Script:test88 Pass Partial Pass: GetFromStore contains a log with all the expected curves. Partial Pass: GetFromStore contains a log without deleted curve. Partial Pass: The server supports proper deletion of a curve. Script:test89 Pass Partial Pass: AddToStore is successful. Partial Pass: GetFromStore is successful. Partial Pass: Log is decreasing. Partial Pass: minIndex/maxIndex values are being set to the MATHEMATICAL min/max index for a decreasing log. Script:test90 Pass Partial Pass: Expected wellbores in the data model received Partial Pass: Only expected attributes and elements received for each wellbore Script:test91 Pass Partial Pass: Correct wellbore was returned Partial Pass: Wellbore validates against write schema Script:test92a Pass Partial Pass: Only trajectoryStation are included in each trajectory Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all trajectoryStation Script:test92b Pass Partial Pass: Only geologyInterval and parameter are included in each mudLog Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all geologyInterval Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all parameter Script:test92c Pass Partial Pass: Only logData is included in each log Partial Pass: Correct elements included for logData Script:test93 Pass Partial Pass: Only trajectoryStation are included in each trajectory Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all trajectoryStation Partial Pass: Only station-location-only elements returned in each trajectoryStation Script:test94a Pass Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded well Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Add succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only Add in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only add has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: UpdateInStore well succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Update succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only update in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only update has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only update dTimLastChange > changeLog with Add succeed Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore well succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Delete succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only delete in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only delete has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: well changeLog with only delete dTimLastChange > changeLog with update succeed Script:test94b Pass Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded well Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded wellbore Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Add succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only Add in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only add has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: UpdateInStore wellbore succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Update succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only update in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only update has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only update dTimLastChange > changeLog with Update succeed Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore wellbore succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Delete succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only delete in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only delete has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: wellbore changeLog with only delete dTimLastChange > changeLog with update succeed Script:test94c Pass Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded wellbore Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded trajectory Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Add succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only Add in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only add has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: UpdateInStore trajectory succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Update succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only update in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only update has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only update dTimLastChange > changeLog with Update succeed Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore trajectory succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Delete succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only delete in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only delete has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: trajectory changeLog with only delete dTimLastChange > changeLog with update succeed Script:test94d Pass Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded wellbore Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded log Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Add succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only Add in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only add has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: UpdateInStore log succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Update succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only update in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only update has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only update dTimLastChange > changeLog with Update succeed Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore log succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Delete succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only delete in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only delete has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only delete dTimLastChange > changeLog with update succeed Script:test94e Pass Partial Pass: WMLS_GetFromStore succeeded wellbore Partial Pass: WMLS_AddToStore succeeded mudLog Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Add succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only Add in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only add has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: UpdateInStore mudLog succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Update succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only update in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only update has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only update dTimLastChange > changeLog with Update succeed Partial Pass: DeleteFromStore mudLog succeeded Partial Pass: GetFromStore changeLogs after Delete succeeded Partial Pass: changeLogs returned are write schema valid Partial Pass: No changeHistory in changeLogs exist, succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only delete in lastChangeType succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only delete has dTimLastChange succeed Partial Pass: log changeLog with only delete dTimLastChange > changeLog with update succeed Totals ------ Run 75 Pass 75 Fail 0 Skipped 0