Server schema versions supported: Server capabilities for schema version Petroviser LLC +7 (4822) 36-00-61 WITSML Petroviser WITSML Server Petroviser 2020.0.0000.0 30 3600 3600 3600 500 false false gzip attachment bhaRun changeLog fluidsReport log message mudLog trajectory tubular wbGeometry well wellbore attachment message attachment message attachment message Results Summary --------------- Script:testsuite Script:test1a Pass Partial Pass: Selection by 'uid' succeeded Partial Pass: Selection by 'name' succeeded Partial Pass: Selection by 'dTimLastChange' succeeded Partial Pass: Newer well included in results of query by dTimLastChange Partial Pass: Older well not included in results of query by dTimLastChange Script:test2 Pass Partial Pass: '1.4.1.x' exists in the returned string Script:test3 Pass Partial Pass: correct apiVers returned Script:test4 Pass Partial Pass: correct version returned Script:test5 Pass Partial Pass: Server supports case-insensitive comparisons Script:test8 Pass Partial Pass: Server supports requesting data subset for a point index object Script:test9a Pass Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Partial Pass: Server returned a subset of log data rows as expected. Script:test9b Pass Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Partial Pass: Server returned a subset of log data rows as expected. Partial Pass: Server returned a log whose content is consistent Script:test10 Pass Partial Pass: Server returned the expected log Curve mnemonics. Script:test11 Pass Partial Pass: Server supports the item ObjectGrowing and returns only logs that are growing Script:test14 Pass Partial Pass: The dTimLastChange in the well object matches the dTimChange in the latest changeHistory of the changeLog. Script:test15 Pass Partial Pass: Single well was returned Partial Pass: uid returned Partial Pass: name returned Partial Pass: numGovt returned Partial Pass: numAPI returned Partial Pass: dTimLastChange returned Partial Pass: Minimum attributes and elements returned for requestObjectSelectionCapability met Script:test16 Pass Partial Pass: Received correct Schema Version Script:test17 Pass Partial Pass: Data schema versions are returned in order from oldest to newest. Script:test18 Pass Partial Pass: Server constrains GetFromStore requests according to maxReturnNodes Script:test20 Pass Partial Pass: Server did return a well with a newer dTimLastChange Partial Pass: Server did not return a well with a matching dTimLastChange Partial Pass: Server did not return a well with an older dTimLastChange Script:test21 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test22 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test23 Pass Partial Pass: GetFromStore optionsIn id-only is supported for a Trajectory Script:test24a Pass Partial Pass: SQ-010 and SQ-015 indexes match Partial Pass: SQ-015 logData indexes are consistent with startIndex and endIndex Script:test24b Pass Partial Pass: minIndex and maxIndex match from both queries Partial Pass: SQ-015 logData indexes are consistent with SQ-010 minIndex and maxIndex Script:test25a Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endIndex in second query is smaller that endIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more points than maxDataPoints Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test25b Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endIndex in second query is smaller that endIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more nodes than maxDataNodes Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test25c Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startDateTimeIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endDateTimeIndex in second query is earlier than endDateIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more points than maxDataPoints Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test25d Pass Partial Pass: Return code +2 received Partial Pass: startDateTimeIndex matches in the two queries Partial Pass: endDateTimeIndex in second query is earlier than endDateIndex in first query Partial Pass: Server did not return more nodes than maxDataNodes Partial Pass: Server truncated data correctly Script:test26 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test27 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:wellbore Script:test30 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test32 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:trajectory Script:test34 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:mudLog Script:test56 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test57 Pass Partial Pass: Have more than 1 wellbore under desired well Partial Pass: All mandatory properties exist in all wellbores Partial Pass: All wellbores have the correct uidWell Script:test59 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test60 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test61 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:mudLog Script:test62 Pass Partial Pass: growingTimeoutPeriod is defined in the GetCap response for log Script:test63 Pass Partial Pass: growingTimeoutPeriod is defined in the GetCap response for mudLog Script:test64 Pass Partial Pass: growingTimeoutPeriod is defined in the GetCap response for trajectory Script:test65a Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_UpdateInStore:well Script:test65b Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_UpdateInStore:well Script:test66 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_UpdateInStore:log Script:test67 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test68 Pass Partial Pass: Server returned growing trajectory Partial Pass: Server did not return non-growing trajectory Script:test69 Pass Partial Pass: Server does register support for ChangeLog object Script:test70 Pass Partial Pass: nameWell in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: nameWellbore in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: nameObject in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: uidWell in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: uidWellbore in changeLog is correct Partial Pass: uidObject in changeLog is correct Script:test71 Pass Partial Pass: Latest changeType matches latest entry in changeHistory Partial Pass: Latest changeInfo matches latest entry in changeHistory Partial Pass: LastChangeType and lastChangeInfo match latest changeType and changeInfo in changeHistory Script:test72 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test73 Pass Partial Pass: trajectory objects received Partial Pass: All required elements are included Partial Pass: trajectoryStation is not included Script:test76a Pass Partial Pass: GetFromStore (requestLatestValues = 1) returned successfully. Partial Pass: log_verify_check_requestLatestValue_header_and_data returned successfully. Partial Pass: GetFromStore header-only returned successfully. Partial Pass: log_verify_check_log_header_only returned successfully. Partial Pass: Server returned the correct maxDateTimeIndex for each curve between queries Script:test76b Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test77 Pass Partial Pass: maxRequestLatestValues is included in response. Partial Pass: maxRequestLatestValues is greater or equal to 1 Script:test78 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_UpdateInStore:log Script:test79a Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test79b Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test80 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:trajectory Script:test81 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_DeleteFromStore:well Script:test81b Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_DeleteFromStore:well Script:test85 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test86 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test87 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test88 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_UpdateInStore:log Script:test89 Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test90 Pass Partial Pass: Expected wellbores in the data model received Partial Pass: Only expected attributes and elements received for each wellbore Script:test91 Pass Partial Pass: Correct wellbore was returned Partial Pass: Wellbore validates against write schema Script:test92a Pass Partial Pass: Only trajectoryStation are included in each trajectory Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all trajectoryStation Script:test92b Pass Partial Pass: Only geologyInterval and parameter are included in each mudLog Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all geologyInterval Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all parameter Script:test92c Pass Partial Pass: Only logData is included in each log Partial Pass: Correct elements included for logData Script:test93 Pass Partial Pass: Only trajectoryStation are included in each trajectory Partial Pass: All mandatory elements and attributes included for all trajectoryStation Partial Pass: Only station-location-only elements returned in each trajectoryStation Script:test94a Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:well Script:test94b Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:wellbore Script:test94c Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:trajectory Script:test94d Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:log Script:test94e Skip Skipped: Server does not satisfy server script capability requirements: WMLS_AddToStore:mudLog Totals ------ Run 40 Pass 40 Fail 0 Skipped 33